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Can do anything you want. Have you ever thought this way? Truly speaking how many of us have this in our mind? Absolutely a few, only those few have done what they want and now they are at the top of this world.
Cut down the barriers
Why can't be you there? Even those persons who has done those great things are humans, then why can't you join in that list? Just think before you do any task that 'it is not rocket science'. This might help you a lot.
Concentration or Interest
Which one do you need? Have you asked this question yourself at any point of time in your life? For many say that these are the same, but for me, these two are different. Now tell me when should you concentrate? Concentration is required when you need to do things at a high point of accuracy. Do you agree with me? If 'yes' or 'no' please post your comments.
To do such a high degree of accurate action you need to concentrate. To concentrate is to focus all your thoughts, your mind, your energy, your body and what ever you can to perform that high degree accurate task. Did that task get through successfully? It is the next question, we shall talk about it later.
If you are not interested on something, then how can you concentrate [i.e. to focus all your thoughts, your mind, your energy, your body and what ever you can ] on that particular one. Actually this is the answer to the latter question of getting the task successful or not. Even though the concentration contribute 80% of your success, the important and left out 20% is the controlling factor is done only with the interest you have on that particular task.
F1 cars can fierce through at great speeds but without control that is the end of that car. Likewise concentration may take you to great speeds but you need interest to control your concentration.
So learn from your failures, sit and think about it over 100 times and identify where have you gone wrong and PUT IT IN A PAPER. This is important, write it down and don't fear it but practise it and conquer it. It only possible with a strong will power and your effort.
We do not think out of the box, now people are turning back to the olden religious pages to hunt for the facts of today. The human mind needs real relaxation and not the temporary one that we get in this commercial world.
Human mind doesn't know where it is from?
Where did you come from? How did your mental consciousness come into this world?
Where was it before? Where have you born before this current birth?
Where does your conscious come from?
Only spirituality can get you what you want. But how many of us have experienced it? Please help other to experience the real spirituality.
Today people say that they need to go for a meditation course, just to become stress free. I really don't understand what is it all about. Meditation in not a stress buster, it is the way to control your thoughts, this is what the great saints have told us. In the current world some of the people learn a very few steps in meditation and they announce the public that they are ready to teach meditation for some dollars.
This is not the way they teach meditation. - These are all bluffs. India is the real place where you learn the real meditation but today it has become more business kind.
Become Stressfree
Its very simple to become stress free, just do what you like the most. This is the only way you can come out of all your stress. Don't spend much in learning new courses to break your stress. Email me with your problem and with a minimal fee one of my friend can free you from any stress you have in your life.
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Lot of question are kept unanswered. Have you thought about those ? Questions like the following... try answering them and you will come across many unbelieveable facts...
We have the rocket-science but this seems to be much more than that...
Stop wasting your money - Do it yourself
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