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Lot of question are kept unanswered. Have you thought about those ? Questions like the following... try answering them and you will come across many unbelieveable facts...
- How come all the planets go in a particular orbit? Why can't they collide with each other?
I agree they go about in an orbit due to the invisible force..What is that invisible force? Don't say it is the magnetic repeltion or attraction or the axis force due to the spin or the gravity-less space. Can you recreate it or prove it by a model, I mean a prototype. We can't till today. Why is that? what is stopping us to do ? Is that the human inability or the superior technology nature has which is not reachable to human? Have you ever thought about it?
We have the rocket-science but this seems to be much more than that...
-How does the brain work in a living being?
It is impossible for us to frame such an algorithm on any system to duplicate a brain, particularly a human-brain. What stores the information in the brain and how is it stored? In which and what form is the information stored in the brain? Science, human-wrote Science..Is it the ultimate Science? don't we have anything more than that to prove the unproved real world?
-How is the human feeling related to his/her physical actions?
Where does the thought arise in a human mind? What is the form in which a human thought arises and where does it end? Based on the thought a human get his/her actions change. How does this happen?
Has the Medical Science found the point where the thought and the physical body meets?This is still an unsolved mystery.
-Where is life in a human body?
When we live how do we live? How are we kept alive? is it any battery cell exist in our body? or the food? If it is the food then why can't a dead body come back to life by just taking the food? What is the invisible power that controls all the real world? Much more to ask ourselves.
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It gives a Good awareness on the value of Life