Have you ever thought about it? People judge you on what you have. What do you have?
any thing more than this?
By what people know you? By your profession? Just one these, it may be money or fame or profession. So they do not care about the human behind all these fake appearances.
The part of self-realisation is totally forgotton. This part shows the ultimate path for your life. All the rest are to survive in this world and nothing more. Those can't get you the ultimate solution for any problem and all those are not permanent.
So try to know your self, the power in you. You can achieve this by practising proper yoga. The real yoga that enlightens you that is taught in south India - Thiruvannamali and many parts of Tamil Nadu.
FREE Self realisation SPEECH DOWNLOAD Click here!

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mobile : +91 98846 18900
email : mailsaravana@gmail.com
Yes what you said is true, keep writing